A new look for a new way of doing things at Waiheke Resources Trust
April 23, 2020
Sprocket Digital office signage
Not just another cog in the machine
August 19, 2020
Business transformation

Have you transformed your business since lockdown?

Do your customers know you’re back (and even transformed)?

Most of us have now emerged from lockdown and gone back to steady business. However, we know, unsurprisingly, people in the business community are still feeling the effects, as everyone takes a cautious approach to spending.

We’ve all been affected by the events of 2020 in different ways and to different degrees. Many businesses have faced their toughest times, but some have thrived as they’ve transformed and invented a new product, service or delivery method to add to their existing offering.

The only problem is, their customers don’t know about it yet.

That’s where we come in.

We love our clients. They are an innovative bunch. We want to help them (as well as others) out there who have taken the opportunity to reinvent their businesses.

Now is the time to let the market know you’re back and ready to do business.

Whether you have something new to offer, or just need to remind customers of the what you’ve always offered, we know how to take your product/services to market and bring your brand back!

5 ways we want to help you:

  1. Rebranding – So that your brand powerfully connects with your new ethos and offerings.
  2. Advertising – To gain or increase market share.
  3. Trade show graphics – For events to showcase your business offerings.
  4. Launching your new products or services.
  5. Marketing business transitions, like adding services or moving to an e-commerce platform from/in addition to physical premises, so you reach new customers.

We’d love to connect with you and discuss ways to start growing your business so you can achieve new success in the new environment.

Give me a call and let’s have a chat over coffee on 09 337 0305 or 021 303 695.

Looking forward to it.
Brands with Spark – Ange